Input Power | 11V - 13V DC (250mA) | 11V - 13V DC (200mA) |
Analogue inputs 8 in total on the top level connectors Labelled (A1 - A8) | NTC 10K input Example 10K NTC thermostat sensor at 12K resistance (approx 21 degrees) will pull down the 3V DC to 1.85V DC If terminal shows 0V then there is a short If 3.3V DC then the connection is open circuit or disconnected. | NTC 10K input Example 10K NTC thermostat sensor at 12K resistance (approx 21 degrees) will pull down the 3V DC to 1.85V DC If terminal shows 0V then there is a short If 3.3V DC then the connection is open circuit or disconnected. |
Digital Inputs 8 in total on the top level connectors Labelled (D1 - D8) | Ground (0V) trigger, Floating 10V DC. | N/A |
PWM Outputs 12 in total on the lower level connectors | Variable (0 or 10v ON/OFF) PWM1 PWM2 PWM5 PWM6 PWM8 PWM9 PWM10 PWM11 PWM12 Fixed (0 or 10v ON/OFF) PWM3 PWM4 PWM7 | Variable (4 or 10v ON/OFF) PWM1 PWM2 PWM5 PWM6 PWM8 PWM9 PWM10 PWM11 PWM12 Fixed (4 or 10v ON/OFF) PWM3 PWM4 PWM7 |
Communications | RS485 (AB) Secondary device only (no internal Bus resistors) ORC-NET - Not used as standard | RS485 (AB) Secondary device only (no internal Bus resistors) ORC-NET - Not used as standard |
Status LED | 3x Power LED - 12V, 5V and 3.3V DC Function RGB LED - colours vary depending on functionality | 3x Power LED - 12V, 5V and 3.3V DC Function RGB LED - colours vary depending on functionality |
Address Switch | 3 way ON/OFF switch used for multiple applications including addressing, test mode and other functions | 3 way ON/OFF switch used for multiple applications including addressing, test mode and other functions |
Reset Button | To soft reset device | To soft reset device |
PWM Variable output example with 0-10V Actuators
Optional Accessories
ORC-WC-8 compatible Solid state relay boards allowing PWM outputs for other use, example 240V actuators UFH, or Blinds etc. | YES, no resistors required | YES requires 500 ohm - 1K ohm resistor across PWM output and GND. This will drop the 4V minimum output to 1 - 1.8V DC Now the ORC-WC-8 can be used. |
Siemens SSC61 24V 0-10V Control Actuator | YES | NO |