This page will help assist on Heating and Cooling 


Door Entry: 
NOT orcomm

UFHORC-HAGW-LUMARelay 230V for Actuators
Modified PWM output 1 and 3
1 & 3 = Fan 2-10V
2 & 4 = Actuators 0-10V
ORC-HAGW-LUMAThis gateway was modified to suit installation environment. 2.2K resistor to allow Fan current 2-10 
NOT orcomm

(some have upgraded to V3)
DIGI2-WHI-?? and DIGI3-WHI-??Smart Digitex lighting with Linear and DB8 (few apartments have DB13)


Other information:

Heating and cooling control is provided by Orcomm controls installed with in the utility area. 

Cooling is controlled via 0-10V DC PWM signal for Actuators installed on the Cooling water pipes and 2-10V for FAN speed. 

Heating is controlled by operating Relays built on the main gateway to operate 230V AC Actuators and Relay 7 for HIU command.  

The system was installed and pre-commissioned with values as per spec. 

The system uses Modbus protocol and set with 2 minute bus status check. Thus it might take several minutes to start to operate, allowing the system to full under the new energy efficient standards. 

During installation the FAN system was changed and these required a minimum of 2V DC to work correctly. Without this value the Fan may reset.  If the system is not giving this minimum value, check cable connections by removing from the ORC-HAGW-LUMA inside the enclosure and test output with no cables connected. 

If value is higher than 2V then check cables / connections. 

If value is lower than 2V, then adjust voltages via the Firmware programmer and MBED platform. 

Once done reboot screen and try adjusting temperature. 

Please note if replacement needed you must request ORC-HAGW-LUMA 

It was decided by the site team to simplify use by using the same room thermostats across FCU and UFH rooms. 

If you choose a fan speed in a room that is UFH (under floor heating only) then the fan will automatically remove after the next system status check approx 2 minutes.  

Q: the system randomly operates for few minutes

A: Yes this is known as Flush or Valve exercise, and was decided to be set during the day time. It will operate for approx 3 minutes. This is best practice by mechanical designs to ensure valves do not seize and pipes are flushed

Q: The room intermittently heats or never gets to desired temperature. 

A: This system has several safety parameters. Although the room may be set to 24 and has an ambient of 22 degrees, the floor may be at 27 degrees. The system will shut down that zone until the Shock sensor in the floor drops below set value. This may feel like an intermittent system. If this persist please liaise with your onsite maintenance department.

The shock temperature has been set by the commissioning team due to specifications of flooring parameters. 

Q: No rooms are heating

A: Is there voltage on the orcomm system. Without power the actuators will not operate. 

A: The set temperatures are not high enough, or the floor is in shock mode. 

A: It is unusual for the HIU (boiler) to fail, however still a possibility. If this fails then no rooms will not operate.