Q: How many Leading Edge LED drivers can can you install per Digitex Light Switch - output (channel)
A: The Digitex 1 and Digitex 2 Smart Light switch range has been designed with 150W (LED) maximum output however must follow below parameters.
Maximum Installation Per channel
1x (240V) 150w LED Dimmable Driver 12 or 24v DC
1x (240V) 100w LED Dimmable Driver 12 or 24v DC
2x (240V) 75w LED Dimmable Driver 12 or 24v DC
2x (240V) 50w LED Dimmable Driver 12 or 24v DC
4x (240V) 25w LED Dimmable Driver 12 or 24v DC
Other example of LED Lamps:
10x 13W LED GU10
16x 7W LED GU10
18x 5W LED GU10
The inrush current from drivers will have an impact on the performance or the Digitex Smart Light Switch
DIGI and DIGI2 range is designed for Leading Edge Dimming. Although Trailing might seem to work it may lack in lighting performance.